Wednesday 17 July 2013

Class trip goes bad

It's great coming across partly written and then forgotten about stories.  This one is a blatant rip off of Class Two at the Zoo and Class Three at Sea, two long time favourites in our house.  We love the build up of tension in rhyme.

Anyway we'll never know how those kids got out of that pickle because this is all there is.  Still running I guess.

This is from a few years ago but it doesn't need too many words to tell its sad tale!!

Monday 15 July 2013

Our army chief

Our youngest still holds a pen in his fist so we can't actually tell when he's drawn something creepy.

But his 8 year old sister says he is an evil force who gets to do things that she never did.  We used to read to her while she ate her dinner but her little brother gets to use the Ipod if he eats (desperate times call for desperate measures - he is extremely fussy and anyway the device didn't exist then).

This is how his biggest sister sees him -

And here is the actual leader of that monster crew - 

Sunday 14 July 2013


I found these ones in the bottom of the drawing box the other day.  Who knew that each cat has its own fur ball launch team and staff to man the tail. 

And here's what goes on behind blank bird eyes.  I'm just surprised that there is no waste disposal going on, given the detail that went into the cat's.

I think it's probably cruel to let your middle child get so bored she creates paper eye wear but at least now we'll have the memories long after the specs get binned.

Saturday 13 July 2013

The paper pony died

Not every piece of art is creepy but in the competition for space they've got at least as much going for them as the other pictures.  We were slightly disturbed but also delighted when our then 3 or 4 year old produced this one.  I can't remember having anything else laminated.   

We had no reason  to fear though, it certainly wasn't the last of the weird.  When she was in her first year of school I was scanning the wall to find her picture..  The teacher had written what each of the children had said they'd drawn.   In amongst  'my family', 'a butterfly' and 'my favourite rainbow' I saw 'shark attacking two seals' - that's our girl!

On a sad note, today I had to sit through the funeral of a paper horse whose head and tail had  fallen off.  The 6 year old led the ceremony although the book she was 'reading' from about his short life was actually Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  The funeral took some time and in the end I had to tell her to wrap it up because we were heading out.  Here he is laid out. 

Friday 12 July 2013

Kids draw freaky stuff

At work I got talking with another mum about the stuff our kids draw.

And what  goes on in their sweet little  heads?  Obviously ponies and puppy dogs feature heavily.  Oh wait, if it's your 8 year old daughter it's a dead squirrel, someone hanging from a branch with his hands in the air, and a creepy guy in a red tie who didn't care and fired anyway... We decided this sort of stuff should be shared!